I was cutting up this old piece of sprue goo just so I could put it back into the pot and re-melt it. But as soon as I pulled it apart, two big owls eyes stared back at me!

So I quickly flipped it over and stuck it on top of the other piece. A new mini was born. I glued it to a base with a couple of supports and applied some sand, and this dude was complete.

A Happy Accident!

I painted it up in a lovely rusty red colour by only dry brushing it (I have many more projects painted in this style, but that’s for the future!).

This was the least effort I’ve ever put into anything I’ve built, but I just love it!

A Happy Little Accident!

If you want to know how I made the “Moon Dude” click below!:

Warband no5: Celestial Dudes! – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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