At first glance you’ll be forgiven thinking that these are Battletech Mechs, but on closer inspection they’re very much not! (Even Google Lens thought they were!)
Not too long ago I purchased the Battletech Beginner’s Box as I thought it would be a good place to jump in to start learning the game. The set includes two plastic mechs, a Griffin and a Vindicator. It also comes with a number of cardboard standees that allow you to experiment with a larger game. And that got me thinking! Why don’t I make Sprue Dude mechs instead of using the cardboard ones? So I did!

I made them in the same way as my Sprue Dudes (Introducing “Sprue Dudes” – Use The Sprue). Although a few extra embellishments and additional details cut into the mech here and there didn’t go amiss. I also doubled up the sprue in certain areas like the legs to make the model look a little more beefy! Obviously, I used 25mm hex bases because you just have to, and then finished them off with a few sprue chippings!

When it got to painting them it was so easy. A simple base coat and a tiny bit of dry brushing and that’s it! Nothing fancy just functional. The mechs I’ve made so far are fractionally smaller than the originals but they do fit excellently on the game mat.

The really cool thing about the game is, that Catalyst Game Labs has lots of content you can freely download from their website: BattleTech | The Game of Armored Combat. This gives you the rules for many different ways to play, such as the really popular Alpha Strike. There are also Force Packs which give you hundreds of Mech Record Sheets you can experiment with!
All in all this is such a fun game to play and it’s amazingly expansive!