Something really different this time! I grabbed this sprue of x12 20mm square bases from Fireforge and went about transforming it into a fantastic flying machine!

I started by releasing the bases from the sprue before gluing six of them back on to it. This gave me the general shape for the cockpit and wings. Next, I attached a few bits to form the tail of the aircraft. I finished it off by adding some additional frame pieces to the sides and popped a propeller on the front.

At this point, I almost forgot the most important part, the pilot. So I quickly knocked up a Box Head Dude to captain it.

I wanted to give the whole thing an overall look based on what the aircraft would be made from. So I painted it to look like bits of cardboard from leftover packaging. And to complete the aesthetic, I added “fragile” tape and various health and safety symbols all over!

I’m really happy with the way this one turned out! But I have to say that there is a design flaw. This plane has no engine, so goodness knows how it’s going to fly. But that doesn’t really matter; in a fantasy world, these things don’t always have to make sense, do they?

Check out these other “Box Head Dude” projects below:
Introducing – Box Head Sprue Dudes! – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no1: Box Head Dude Champion! – Use The Sprue