When I’m out and on the moor, I often pick up pieces of rubbish and random bits of plastic. This time, however, I found something that I could actually repurpose into a usable thing. This luminous lump, by the looks of it, at least, did fall off the back of a lorry! With a bit of thought, this would make a cool monument for my ever-growing Button Dude warband.

I started by repairing the big crack by gluing both sides back together again, and then I pulled off any loose bits of plastic. Next, I made a finial and popped it on top. Then, I added a couple of fancy buttons, one to the front and the other to the back.

I wanted to keep this little project really simple, so to paint it, I primed it in grey and then gave it a good dry brush in white.
As per usual, I then changed my mind and started to make something else to go with it. So I decided it needed a custodian to take care of it.

Grabbing a few buttons and a base, I glued the bits together to make another dude. I found a lovely button with what looks like a heraldic shield, which was perfect to make a banner out of. I painted it up in the same fashion as the other Button Dudes, and I called this one done!

I like the look of this one, and it makes a great addition to my on going dude journey.

Click below to see the first two “Button” projects!:
Warband no4: Button Dudes! – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no17: Big Button Dude – Use The Sprue