It was about time that I made some wheels for the Button Dudes. So I grabbed a sprue of square 20mm bases and went about crafting a speedy vehicle.

I clipped all of the bases free from the sprue before gluing them back to make the basic shape of the machine.
Next, I attached some back wheels by sticking buttons to the frame, and then I turned the front of the thing into an awesome trike!
To finish off the look, I made a pair of handle bars, a big spoiler, a headlight, and, of course, a rider to pilot it.

Once this was done, I still had plenty of bits left over, so I made another one!

I even used all the off cuts by making some sprue goo and creating a flag that I attached to the back of the trike!

I wanted a menacing look, so I painted the machines black and then added a few blue and silver touches here and there. The riders themselves I also painted back (leather jackets!) but gave them blue helmets to hint at the overall warband colour scheme.

These machines have no engines, so I have no idea how they will actually move! But they look cool, and that’s all that matters!

Missed the first 3 Button projects? Click below!:
Warband no4: Button Dudes! – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no17: Big Button Dude – Use The Sprue
BUTTON DUDE: Monument – Use The Sprue