This dusty box has treasure within. It holds the keys to my past, not really, just old Games Workshop minis from my childhood! These figures are mostly from the 1980’s and are painted in that style. Notably being plastered with an infinite number of layers of paint.
So my aim (time permitting) is to randomly select a mini and free it from its painty cocoon. The first one the box offered up was a skeleton from 1987.

Named “Death Dancer,” this figure is so full of character with his oversized head and limbs. He was missing a shield, but it was easy enough to find a replacement.

As he was metal, I started by giving him a relaxing bath in acetone. This took the paint off nicely and revealed all of his loveliness!

Once all shiny, I based him with the obligatory sand and gave him a Viking shield from Warlord Games. This seemed to fit the overall look quite nicely. I then primed him in white, picked out the sword in silver, and painted the wooden handle. Finishing it off with a red shield, I then covered the whole mini with a lovely brown wash and, once dry, gave it a few highlights.

I can’t wait until I get the urge to go down memory lane again, but I don’t think it’ll be for a while as there are still so many other minis to paint!

Here’s a blog post about another mini I’ll have to revisit in the future: 29 Thick Coats: Part 3 – Tactical Space Marine – Use The Sprue