This time I’m going to make some Treasure tokens for Frostgrave. Solely using odd bits of a sprue and some 25mm bases!
First, I carefully sliced lengths of sprue into thinner pieces and filed the edges to create a more rounded look to each flagstone.

When glueing them to the base, I made sure that the stones overhung a little so that they could be easily trimmed and filed to achieve a nice round shape.
The Items

The first base I plumped to make was the ring. I drilled into one of the round nobbles that are on the sprue and cut it free. Then I stuck it to the base, done!
Some of the other bases took a little more crafting. I carved the bottle from a small length of sprue. The coins were sliced from tiny cylinders of plastic. The book needed multiple bits glued together, and if you squint, then the scroll doesn’t look like thin bits of sprue between two other bits of sprue! And the scepter was carved from multiple pieces, which were later stuck together.

As normal, I did a quick paint job and they were ready to use!

Trimming each piece of flagstone individually took the most effort, but if you’ve got time, then this little project is a lot of fun to do. I don’t think I’m going to stop here. I’ll probably make some more in the future (hence, marking this down as part 1!).