Leafing through the Frostgrave rulebook I noticed some cool looking statues and thought: “I can make some of these” – and so I did!

I chose a sprue of Gaelic Warriors from Victrix, alongside some bases and wooden bits I had put aside years ago thinking they would be useful at some point (and finally they are!).

First I glued a base to what will become the plinth for the statue. Next, I freed the mini’s feet from their narrow base and attached the body to its new one. Then I finished it off by gluing the rest of its limbs and weapons together.

After making all six, I base coated them in grey, let them dry and then gently dry brushed them in white.
Then a quick black wash all over the models and I deemed them complete!

If you’re tired of painting every last minute detail and spending days on each mini then this super fast project could work for you.
So dust off those forgotten minis and make something great out of them!