I fancied making some further scenery for Gaslands. So I grabbed a number of things that could be combined to make something cool.

I plumped for an old 1980’s Matchbox trailer, x2 construction vehicles, and a couple of cars. Not forgetting a sprue, of course.
As the sprue was circular in nature, it would be perfect for fencing and general piping. It is also perfect to help glue and secure all the vehicles I would attach to the trailer.

I started by gluing the digger to one side of the trailer and a car at an angle next to it. Then, I attached the bulldozer to the other side and used bits of sprue to secure it in place.

As the glue was drying, I set about chopping the sprue into smaller lengths and glued them together to form fencing. Then, I attached them between the digger and the car, linking them up.

Next, was to garnish the thing by sprinkling some wheels and parts of a pen (which just ran out on me). It was perfect to make drainpipes and general detritus that filled in the gaps nicely on the trailer.

I finished it off by using the remaining bits of the sprue and it called it done!

Painting it was easy, I used my normal technique of base coating all the individual parts first, then added copious amounts of rust effect over all the thing.

Its so nice to use bits and bobs that would be normally go in the bin. And at the end of it, I have a perfect piece of scenery for the next Death Race!
Here’s a quick video showing this build combined with the GASLANDS – Tiny Build – Use The Sprue & GASLANDS – Little Build – Use The Sprue projects!
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