When I was contemplating what I should do next, I suddenly realised that I’d not made anything for Gaslands for quite some time. So I grabbed this cool “Matchbox Buggy” and a piece of sprue and went to work.

It also occurred to me that I don’t have any suitable minis are at the correct scale. So what was I to do?, except for make my own! I first made two heads by gluing four bits of sprue together and then shaping them into a rough egg shape. Next, I attached some eyes and a completely weird nose to each.
After gluing a body to the mini (who was going to be the driver of the car), it took me an age to get him to sit correctly. It was so fiddly to get him through the gap in the windscreen! On the flip side, however, the gunman was really easy. After supergluing his legs and one of his arms into place, he was done in quick time. Only leaving me to attach his left arm and the gun.

For the buggy itself, I added a couple of front-facing cannons by embellishing the corner parts of a sprue, not forgetting to drill out a hole for the barrels. Then I just glued a few circular bits over the car to the parts I thought looked better with them.

I felt really lazy when I set about painting this vehicle. So after priming it in black, that was the colour it was going to be! I added the rusty texture by several passes of dry brushing. First with a brown, then an orange, and a final silver, to achieve the beat-up look.

This was an enjoyable thing to make, but I think that I can do better as the dudes are quite odd-looking, even for me! So what that will mean, though, is that I’ll have to return and make more “Gaslands” stuff in the future!
Missed these other Gasland projects?:
GASLANDS – Mini Rig – Need For Speed! – Use The Sprue