I had some bits of sprue leftover from my Oathmark Skeleton project: Oathmark Skeletons – Use The Sprue so I decided to put them to good use!
I grabbed a couple of toy cars to make something cool for Gaslands.
The Build

As the yellow digger was very broken and had parts missing, I decided that the purple van can could do with a wheel upgrade. I freed all the wheels from both vehicles and attached the larger ones to the van. They gave it a more menacing look, but goodness knows how it’ll turn corners!

Next, I chopped up some small, spiky pieces from the sprue and glued them to the front of the van to make a battering ram.

Then I fashioned a large cannon and stuck it to its roof. To finish off, I used tiny offcuts that I attached to the back doors to make some paneling. Then I gently drilled a few holes into each to complete the look.

Moving onto the digger, I glued both 25mm bases to it. One at the front and the other at the back. Then I simply started glueing things to it. I used the van wheels and the metal pins from the wheels, carved longer bits of sprue into girder type objects, and finally placed plastic rubble in the empty spaces.

Weirdly, after priming them in black, I ended up painting them pretty much the same colour they were at the start! I used the method of applying the base colour, then dabbing, first brown, then orange, and then a final dry brush of silver, keeping to the more prominent edges of the vehicles. And they were complete.

I used the entire sprue and didn’t waste any parts that I started with! This was a lot of fun, and I’ll be making more!
Here are two more Gaslands projects you may have missed!: