I really couldn’t work out a good use for this little Greek piper, which I had leftover from a previous project. (you can see part 1 here: Greek Hoplites Statue – Part 1 – Use The Sprue)
Until that is, I remembered the old story of the “Pied Piper of Hamelin.” But why not exchange the boring rats for a dinosaur? Or, to be exact, an “Ankylosaurus.”

So grabbing a small dinosaur from my secret stash of minis, I found that they would both just about fit on a 25mm base.
I glued the dinosaur to the base first but painted the piper separately to make it less fiddly. The paint scheme I went for was very simple, but who doesn’t want a purple dinosaur as a pet?

Again, I don’t know what this model could be used for, but at least I thoroughly enjoyed the process!

I was going to finish this little project, but then I realised I still had a few bits of sprue leftover. So I carved them into wooden spikes and made some sprue goo from all the shavings. Then, when the goo was gooey enough, I made a base and stuck the spikes into it. Once dry, I painted it up and added a final dinosaur to live in the cage!

Missed part 1 where I make a bronze statue? Click here: Greek Hoplites Statue – Part 1 – Use The Sprue