Bananagrams, in my opinion, is an okay game at best. But the great thing with it is that it comes with over 100 lovely tiles. These were crying out to be used for something else!

I first thought about flipping them upside down and making a paved floor out of them (which I’ll probably do at some point). But then I had a better idea: why not make a whole kill team?

So after 5 minutes of rifling through the bag, I found the tiles I needed. I grabbed a sprue of 25mm bases and started to build.

I wanted to keep them simple-looking, so I cut up small lengths of sprue and glued them on as arms and legs, finishing off the basic look with a pair of eyes.

With a nod to Space Marines, I also gave each one a backpack and a different type of weapon, including bolt guns, claws, power swords, etc., and one with a nice big banner.

I've Made a Kill Team
I've Made a Kill Team

These minis took about 45 minutes each to make, which I think is quite good considering the amount of fiddliness when making the weapons. Now on to the painting.

I've Made a Kill Team

I was in a quandary about what colour to paint them in. I knew I wanted the letter tiles to be in white or ivory, but the limbs I wasn’t quite sure. Should I paint them in ultramarine, blood red, or even yellow? In the end, I went for a compromise, painting the limbs in blue and leaving the tiles and hands in white.

I think this kill team could destroy anything that GW can offer! And the cool thing is you can have lots of fun rearranging the letters into other words as well!

I've Made a Kill Team

Click on the links to see some of my other warbands!:

Warband no4: Button Dudes! – Use The Sprue

Warband no5: Celestial Dudes! – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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