Here I have a sprue of bases from Renedra that I’ll probably never use for basing miniatures. So what can I make out of them?

I found that the easiest option was to make some crates. With that in mind, I started to glue bits together. After a little bit of trimming and sanding down of the edges achieved a decent fit. The first simple open-topped box was built. I then drilled a few rivet holes into the side panels to add some texture, and I completed it by gluing plenty of sand in the centre.

While leaving it to dry, I made a further two boxes, one with a metal plate in its centre and the other heavily damaged with bullet holes, etc. Still with a bit of sprue left, I made one final box and a kind of small ramp or platform.

As these crates were best suited for use in the 40k universe, I went for a rusty look with an oozing green sludge interior. When dry, I gave the contents a liberal coating of clear resin to make them look more disgusting!

The cool thing about these little crates is that they are very modular in nature. They can be combined in many different ways. I also painted the underside of each box so that they could be flipped and used as different levels in height.

Here’s another blog you may have missed? This time just using a small sprue of 25mm bases!: Pots R Us – Use The Sprue