This time I’ve got a sprue of Oathmark skeletons from Northstar Games. This frame has five minis on it and a ton of weapon options. I decided to go for five simple skeleton dudes with shields.

They were fairly easy to build but the arms had very small ball joints, which needed a little more patience when gluing them to the bodies.

Once done I decided to give each of them a rocky base. So I chopped up a number of tiny bits of sprue and attached them randomly around the feet of the skeletons.
Now for the remaining sprue. Stonehenge was calling so I started by cutting out equal lengths of plastic and stuck two pieces back to back, to form the uprights. Then, a few smaller bits for the lintels. I finished them off by gently carving a bit of texture to all of their surfaces.

To make life a little easier I cut up a few bases into halves and glued the uprights to them. This made it more much more stable!
When all dry, I made smaller standing stones and placed them between each upright. Then I made one more stone and secured a spear/banner into the top of it.
Still having plenty of sprue left I chopped some up in the same way I did for the skeleton bases and attached them around the footings of the stones.

For the final touch I used the remaning limbs, heads and weapons as loose scatter all over the monument!

As for painting them, I went for a prehistoric colour scheme and kept it simple for the circle.

Another sprue completed! And best of all I still have a bit of sprue remaining which I’ll use on a future project.
Here’s another skeleton project I did with Wargames Atlantic minis: Skeletons – Wargames Atlantic – Use The Sprue