Here are the 11 miniatures you get with Warhammer Ork Boyz set. Nice enough isn’t it, but with a bit of effort you can get a lot more! As I looked at the three empty sprues I couldn’t help but think I needed to find a better use for them, other than throw them away.

So as luck will have it Orks are very easy to make things for. It’s literary chop up bits of sprue and glue them together. A quick rusty paint job and it’s done!
So I ended up making a small fort which included a main building with a firing platform, a watch tower and even a couple of bits of defensive fencing.

Also with this set there were enough body parts to make a further two Boyz without legs. So for one I made an Ork covered up to his waist in rubble and for the other a strange Ork cannon barge.

So before starting on your next project, grab your glue and finish off the one you’re doing and create something cool!
And remember, every time you don’t use that sprue, you’re throwing away so much potential and good times with it!