I had a small piece of sprue hanging around so I repurposed it to make a feature base for a Celtic Warrior! This muscular chap came from a Celtic Warriors Sprue from Warlord Games. Wanting to make something a little different to what I’ve experimented with before, I decided to try out some “3D Clear Gloss” I’d just purchased.

I started by slicing bits of sprue into small lengths and carving them into basic wood shapes. I glued them all together to make the platform and attached it to a 25mm base. Next I covered the base in sand and built up the edges to create two banks. To finish off I added a few tiny bits of sprue and added them to the stream bed to act as rocks.

Once the simple paint scheme was dry I tried out the 3D gloss by adding it to the stream and gently spreading it to make it as level as I could. I attached the Warrior and it was complete.
This one was really quick and fun to do and I think the result looks really cool. I will be definitely doing some more elaborate bases in the future!

For those of you who think that the bridge may seem a bit excessive in size, especially in comparison to the stream it crosses, what you don’t know is, that the stream floods terribly in the winter so it needs to be that high to keep your feet dry!
For other basing ideas check out: Basing Dark Age Warriors from Gripping Beast – Use The Sprue