The age-old question is, “What shall I make from a blob of Sprue Goo? A giant mushroom, of course!
Grabbing a cap from an aerosol, I fashioned some goo to make a mushroom-type head. Next, I made a base and stuck the morel’s stem to it. Then I waited for it to dry.

Quite by chance, the body of the mushroom shrivelled up. This created an evil face, which was brilliant. I glued the head to the body and went about painting my creation.

It’s not that big compared to “Grudput,” a Games Workshop orc from the 80’s, but it’s massive for a mushroom! I can imagine whole fields of these wicked fellows just waiting patiently for their next victim to pass by!

Missed this other sprue goo project? Click here: Rising From The Sprue Goo – Stonehenge – Use The Sprue