To be exact, a trilithon! Lately, I’ve been experimenting with “Sprue Goo”. I purchased a small bottle of nail polish remover and soaked leftover bits of sprue and shavings in a jar. Within 24 hours, the plastic had melded together into a gloopy sludge.

After carefully removing the mess from the jar, I set about squashing it on a piece of baking paper. This was to stop it from sticking to everything. I found I had to be quite quick before the surface of the goo would crack and look terrible. But with a bit of practice, I formed the two uprights and the lintel. After another 24 hours, I made a nice base and simply pressed the two uprights into it.

I’ve found out that the thicker the objects I made, the longer it took for the acetone to evaporate. So this simple build was actually quick to construct, but it took over a week in total to finally complete it!

Once all the parts had set, I dug out the bottom of the lintel to allow the uprights to fit snugly on top. Then, after a smattering of sand to create a grass effect, I very quickly gave it a lick of paint.

Another piece of terrain is completed, and goodness knows what I’m going to make next?