I’m on a mini-making trip at the moment, so every week I’m going to post another one of my creations. How many I’ll end up doing, I don’t know, but I do have a lot of ideas that should keep me going for at least a wee while!
So for the first one (as hinted in a previous blog), I said that I was going to make a champion for my new Box Head Dude warband. So here he is!

Of course, he’s wearing a crown and strong golden armour. As with all good leaders, he’s a master of combat, so he wields not one sword but two!

All there is to do now is make some other dudes for these to fight against! Watch this space, as I think this little project is going to be lots of fun!
Here’s the blog where I made the first Box Head Dudes!: Introducing – Box Head Sprue Dudes! – Use The Sprue