What’s more deadly than an almighty rattlesnake? That’s right “Nothing!”

So I thought I’d make one. I started by roughly rounding off small pieces of sprue. Then, I chopped them up into smaller parts and attached round bits between them. This gave me a rough circle for the body of the snake.
Now was the fun part! For the head, I glued two separate bits of sprue together, one for the top part and the other for the lower jaw. I then made a couple of teeth and a tongue and fixed them to the lower jaw. Next, I carved a couple of nose holes before attaching the eyes to the top of the head.

After this, I made the rattle part of the snake. As I thought rattles weren’t actually that scary, my snake would have sharp spikes instead!

I kept the paint scheme similar to my other dudes, painting it a wooden colour with all the metal parts in silver!
This one actively made me laugh when I was making it. So here’s to the mighty Rattlesnake Dude!
If you’ve got time, have a look a this terrifying spider!: SPRUE DUDE no4: Spider Dude! – Use The Sprue