This time I thought I’d make something a little larger than normal, so I chose to make a Wicker Man.

I started making the legs by glueing two pieces of sprue back to back, then attacking them with my hobby knife to create a straw-like effect.

From this point on, I repeated this technique to make all the parts of the mini. After assembling the bits, I decided to bulk him up a little by giving him a lovely pair of shoulder pads.

To paint it, I kept it simple by using a dirty yellow and dry brushing in a lighter colour. Then, I finished him off with a couple of glowing red eyes.

Although in the end he turned out smaller than I imagined, and he also looks like he could be made out of Weetabix, this doesn’t matter; I love him anyway!
Missed these Dudes? Click here to see them: WARBAND no1 – Chess Dudes – Use The Sprue