Continuing the nature theme from my last post: Warband no3: Flower Power Dudes! – Use The Sprue, I thought I’d make a leaf dude.

I started by taking a flat piece of sprue goo and drew a basic leaf shape on it. Next, I trimmed it out and glued limbs and a facial expression to it. I finished it off by equipping the mini with a large spear and an overtly small shield.

As this was my first leaf dude, I kept the painting to a minimum by giving it a couple of green base coats and a light yellow dry brush for the highlights.

I can see myself making a number of these fellows using different types of leaves. But for now, all that’s in the future, so Leafy will have to battle it alone!
If you’ve got time, why not check out this little fiend!: SPRUE DUDE no11: Rattlesnake Dude! – Use The Sprue