It’s time for those little piggies to rise up and fight for what they believe in!

I grabbed a few leftover bits of sprue and started to glue them together. I made two separate bits with four pieces each.

I then fashioned them into a rough pig shape and added the facial features! I deliberately kept him short and stout, with a little pot belly! After I attached a sword and shield, I went about painting him.

No guesses which colour scheme I went for! But looking back, I could have painted him in the style of a Gloucestershire Old Spot, which would have been cool too! Maybe I’ll make a whole pig faction one day?

I really liked making this one as well, so now we’re up to four dudes in this animal warband!
Below are the previous three dudes; please check them out!
SPRUE DUDE no18: Werewolf Dude – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no19: Cat Dude – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no20: Teddy Mouse Dude – Use The Sprue