Inspired by my own Deer Dude, I had the unoriginal idea to make a tree out of the wonky parts of a sprue.

So I set about selecting a number of curved pieces of plastic that I thought would look good as branches.

Then, I made a tree trunk out of four straight pieces and glued them together. When it was dry, I carved a basic tree shape and added a knarly-looking face.

Now came the most time-consuming part of the build: the branches. It was simple enough to carve the limbs and get the texture right, but I did need to go back a few times for a bit of fine-tuning. When I had enough of them, I glued them to the top of the trunk, and it was done.

Painting the thing was, again, the quickest part of the project. A brown base coat, a light white dry brush, and an overall black wash gave it the look I wanted.

If I were to make another one of these, I think I’d go full “Lord of the Rings” and give it some arms and legs and make it massive, but that’s for another day!
Click below to see the similarities to my Deer Dude!:
SPRUE DUDE no28: Deer Dude! – Use The Sprue