Who needs the new Skaven when you can make your own happy little rat dude? As an homage to Games Workshop, I’ve welcomed a rat to the ranks of my “Animal Warband”.

As with most of my mini-constructs, I made him in the same way. I started by making a basic body, then moved on to a slightly more elaborate head. After that, I gave him a lovely tabard made from a couple of small pieces of sprue goo. Unusually, I did spend a bit of time on his sword and shield, crafting them a bit more than normal.

I fancied painting him black so when his nose, hands, and feet were painted pink, they would really stand out.

I like him; he has a sweet little expression!

Here are a few of my other dudes that make up part the animal warband:
SPRUE DUDE no19: Cat Dude – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no21: Pig Dude – Use The Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no22: Highland Cow Dude! – Use The Sprue