I’ve set myself a challenge to make something cool out of these shavings which I had from some previous sprue projects.

There was very little usable plastic in among the pile, so I decided to make some sprue goo! I poured the debris into a small jar of acetone and left it for just over an hour before taking it out. I wanted the blob to have a bit of texture from the larger bits, which didn’t have time to dissolve fully.

As the lump dried, I occasionally flipped it over so the other side would dry a bit quicker. The funny thing was, as it was drying, the trapped air inside expanded, creating more of a bulge. This was actually better for the look I was after.

Once it was dry, there was a strange face staring back at me. Grabbing my knife, I made a couple of cuts to create eyes and then drilled two holes for a nose.

I was really happy with the head, and I toyed with the idea of mounting it on a stake. This would have made a cool objective marker, or something. But in the end I decided to make more sprue goo so I could forge a whole body for it.

Once the new goo was dry, I took out a small triangle to form a pair of legs and trimmed the top so the head would attach nicely.

Then, with the bits I trimmed off, I created some arms (with fingers) and embellished the dude with a few pieces of armour. And after adding a funky tail, I based it with sand and moved onto painting.

As always, I didn’t want to spend too much time on adding colour to the mini. So I gave it a quick dry brush of green over a black undercoat before adding a few yellow and white highlights. After painting the armour in silver, this dude was complete! 

SPRUE DUDE no40 - Sprue Goo Frog Dude

This is a mighty dude who only stands at 32mm, is strong as an ox, and is not to be trifled with!

Missed any of the Sprue Goo Dudes I made? Click on the links below:

A Happy Little Accident! – Use The Sprue

SPRUE DUDES no 36-37-38 – Sprue Goo Dudes – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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