SPRUE DUDE no41: Turtle Dude

This mini was not supposed to be a turtle. And to be honest, it doesn’t really look too much like one now either, but hear me out. My plan was originally to make a little devil or imp.

I started by gluing bits of sprue together to make the head and torso. But as soon as I attached the eyes, the mini just didn’t look like the one I had in my head. With that in mind, I set about making a toad. Again, when I attached the head to the body, it didn’t look right. So I made the decision to continue and see what would happen. After I glued all the bits to a base, it came to me, “Why not make a turtle?”

I quickly glued more pieces of plastic together to make the rough shape of a shell. When I attached it to the turtle’s back, it looked like a shield, so I ran with it. I then made a little belt to run around the belly of the mini.

It still doesn’t look too much like a turtle. But just like those mediaeval illustrators who drew odd-looking animals based only on descriptions, I would like to think this is what they would make!

SPRUE DUDE no41: Turtle Dude

Missed this other amphibian dude I made? Click below:!

SPRUE DUDE no40 – Sprue Goo Frog Dude – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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