Halloween is a fantastic time of year to find cool stuff to make things out of. While I was at my local supermarket, I found this tub of sweets shaped like a coffin. Obliviously, I bought them immediately. I thought about creating some spooky terrain, but in the end I took a different approach.
First, I ate in the sweets (which weren’t very nice), then I removed the sticker and went about carefully carving a wooden texture into the plastic. I had to be cautious though, as it was the type of plastic that could shatter at any moment!

After that, I scuffed up the surface with sandpaper to help the paint adhere better. Next, I fashioned some limbs out of bits of sprue and glued the entire figure to a poker chip. To give it more character, I carved a nose, eyes, and eyebrows, added a bushy moustache, and stuck them all to the lid. As I admired my creation, I felt it needed a bit more. So I decided to use the inside of the coffin as well.

It struck me as a great idea to have another character that lived in the coffin. It would emerge if ever the Coffin Dude was defeated. Since there was limited space for a single large miniature, I ultimately made eight small creatures instead. These were quick to assemble, using only a few pieces of sprue glued onto a 20mm base. However, I faced one final challenge: how to keep the creatures safely inside.

Then I remembered that I had some magnetic sheets and some equally magnetic poker chips lying around. So I trimmed a piece to fit inside the coffin lid and glued the poker chips to the bottom of each of the creature’s bases. Now they securely stay in place when the coffin is opened and closed!

Wasting no time at all painting them, I applied a quick couple of steadily lighter brown dry brushes to the coffin and used a blue tint for the creatures.

I love the idea that after finally defeating the Coffin Dude, players will be shocked to see these angry little creatures burst out to attack!

Missed this other large Sprue Dude?:
SPRUE DUDE no26: Giant Stone Dude – Use The Sprue