as that's all we ever eat here! 😉

I thought it would be about time I made a food-related dude. So being from the UK, I thought I’d do one made of chips, as that’s all we ever eat here! 😉

I thought for a long time about making him just one large chip, with arms and legs. But I changed my mind when I came up with the idea of a box of them instead.

Use the Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no43: Mr Chips

To make it, I sliced up an old base to construct the box before adding small lengths of sprue as chips poking out of the top.

After glueing the facial features on, I made a simple body and attached both parts. Giving him a sword and shield, “Mr Chips” was ready for some paint.

A quick splash of yellow for the body and red for the box and other bits, this cool dude was done.

This fellow has definitely inspired me to make more food-related minis, so watch this space!

Use the Sprue
SPRUE DUDE no43: Mr Chips

Missed any of these Dudes?:

SPRUE DUDE no34: Fly Dude! – Use The Sprue

SPRUE DUDE no31: Roman Dude! – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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