Continuing with the board game theme, I thought I’d turn my attention to making a playing card.
To do this, I rolled out some sprue goo into a thin sliver and let it dry. Once solid, I cut out a suitable-sized rectangle and rounded its corners.
Then, I trimmed a few lengths of sprue and attached them as limbs. I finished off the build by giving it a stone hammer and a sharpened stick.

Obviously, painting this one was going to be trickier than most of the minis I’ve done so far, so I kept it as simple as I could. Again, I painted the limbs black and the main card initially in an off-white colour, then gave it a generous pure white dry brush.

The design I went for was the Queen of Hearts, but the twist was that I used my Box Head Dudes as inspiration for the Queen herself!
In hindsight, it may be a little oversized, especially when placed next to my other creations, but I think it does look cool.
Click below to see the two previous builds!: