Going through all of my board game bits and pieces, I found a handful of tiddlywinks. These would be perfect to construct another epic mini!
This was a very quick and simple build. First off, I carved a couple of legs and glued them to a wink. As I didn’t have much of a plan for how this dude was going to look, I started to make it’s head. Gluing two eyes to a tiddlywink, instantly made it look funny.

I then added other winks one by one until I made a reasonable-looking torso. Next, I made some arms and glued them to the mini. After adding two shields, I concentrated on the head by adding eyebrows and a mouth.

To paint it, I went for a multi-coloured look, which was actually quite fiddly and was the longest part of the whole project. But once done, I like the vibrance of it.
Looking at the finished mini, I can’t stop thinking that the shields could actually be used as wings, allowing this dude to soar into the sky!
Missed the other dudes in this series?: Sprue Dudes Archives – Use The Sprue