I have been using sprue goo quite a lot recently and, as a result, created quite a bit of mess. I didn’t want to put these pieces straight back into acetone and melt them down, as I felt I could make something interesting out of them. So I played around with the shapes until an idea emerged.

Sprue Dude no 36:Angel”

The first thing I made was a weird faceless angel thingy. Some of the pieces looked a little like wings, so all I needed to do was make a body to fit them. I trimmed a number of plastic bits into suitable shapes and glued them all together to create this mighty beast!

As normal, I didn’t want to spend much time on painting, so as with the owl I made earlier (A Happy Little Accident! – Use The Sprue) I primed it in black, then made a few dry brush passes. First with red, then orange, then yellow, then a final white.

Sprue Dude no 37: “Mad Hatter

After this one was complete, I still had bits leftover. So I grabbed a slug-shaped piece of sprue goo, which was perfect for the body. Then, I drilled out a pair of eyes before adding some eyebrows, a nose, and a pair of arms.

To make this dude a little different, I carved out a big hat with a feather before adding a boiling flame rising from his hand (Maybe he’s a wizard or something?).

I painted him in the same way as the angel except for his yellow feather and blue bubbling potion smoke.

Sprue Dude no 38: “Leggy”

I still had three pieces of sprue goo left, so I glued them all together, drilled out a couple of eyes, and then plonked on a nose. This ranks among the least amount of effort I ever spent on a mini, but it looks weird enough to fit in with all the stuff I’ve been making recently! Ten minutes of painting, and this little sprue goo warband was done!

These dudes were really fun to do. I started with no clear idea what I was going to make, but I am happy with the results. I can’t wait until I make a mess again!

If you’ve got time, why not check out the first sprue goo dude below!:

A Happy Little Accident! – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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