Sprue Terrain Part 3: The Watchtower

I found another vitamin tube, so I set about using it for another piece of terrain. I didn’t feel that I needed to make another pipe (SPRUE TERRAIN Part 1: Pipeline – Use The Sprue), so I came up with the idea of turning it on its side and making a watchtower.

With a few bits of sprue, I started by constructing a platform. I figured that it could overhang the silo I made in part 2 (SPRUE TERRAIN Part 2: Silo – Use The Sprue). This would make it a bit more stable when playing. Using a rectangular base for the floor, I glued lengths of sprue to it to act as girders. Grabbing a few round bits of sprue, I cut into them to make them look like large screws before sticking them on as well.

After that was done, I did a similar thing when making the top platform. (Although I was so engrossed in building it I completely forgot to take any pictures of it in progress!). I finished the thing off with a few additional pieces of sprue to have a way the minis could climb the structure.

I painted it in the same rusty style as all the other bits of the terrain in this series and called this one done.

Sprue Terrain So Far

This terrain build is starting to look good! And after adding this piece to the others, it gives the dudes a little more height when battling it out!

Missed the first two builds in this series? Click on the links below:

SPRUE TERRAIN Part 1: Pipeline – Use The Sprue

SPRUE TERRAIN Part 2: Silo – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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