Use Your Head(s): Dwarfs

Like me, you must have plenty of unused heads lying about the place. So on one rainy morning, I thought I’d make use of a couple. I grabbed one of my head jars and selected two suitable dwarf heads.

Then, I went about making little bodies for them. I made them from short lengths of sprue and a few round pieces. After gluing the heads on, I armed them with a sword and shield and a few panels of armour.

Painting them was quick as well; I primed them black before adding a little bit of colour.

I think doing this little project has inspired me to make some more of these. And I have a fantastic idea; I’m going to create lots of mini minis!

Missed my other Dwarf project? It’s where I use the whole sprue to create some interesting terrain!

Oathmark Dwarfs Sprue – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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