Flowers are about bringing joy and happiness to the world, but these little dudes only bring fear and hate to all who question their superiority!

I found these little flower buttons in a craft shop, and I couldn’t wait to get home and make some new minis out of them.
I kept it simple by giving their torsos a slim, stem-like look. For the heads, I added large eyes and a couple of angry eyebrows. Finishing the minis off with a sword and other flower buttons for their shields.

With the painting, I used the same scheme for each of the minis, except for the leader, where I gave her a silver shield and a bit of gold armour!

These look great, and they are a lovely addition to my ever-growing dude warbands!

Check out these other cool warbands!:
WARBAND no1 – Chess Dudes – Use The Sprue
WARBAND no2 – Signage Dudes – Use The Sprue