This is a really simple one this time! I grabbed some old buttons (that we all seem to have lying around) along with a few pieces of sprue and started to glue them all together. After the limbs were on, I made a couple of eyes and equipped the mini with a sword and a shield, made from a smaller button.
After a quick lick of blue paint and a light drybrush, this dangerous little mini was complete!
The problem was, however, that as I stared at the other unused buttons on the table, I just couldn’t stop the urge to make more, so I did! Now I have a fearsome little “Button Dude” warband!
Also, it didn’t stop there; I just kept on making them! And as it turns out, this is the first of many projects featuring these little fellows!
Click below to see some of the other mighty warbands?
WARBAND no1 – Chess Dudes – Use The Sprue
WARBAND no2 – Signage Dudes – Use The Sprue
Warband no3: Flower Power Dudes! – Use The Sprue