I’m going out of this world with this one, as I’ve made some Celestial Dudes!
Did you know that some of the minis I make are highly spiritual and love nothing more than celebrating the sky? These dudes have taken it to the next level and have donned masks to worship the Sprue God “Sprula.” (Who doesn’t love a bit of unnecessary lore?).

I made all these minis in the same way by first making a basic body shape. Then, I carved some suitable-shaped masks from an old piece of base before adding the eyes, nose, and mouth. To finish them off, I gave them each a lovely sword and shield.

In the end, I made four of these minis, each with a different mask: the sun, moon, star, and a meteor.
To paint them, I kept it nice and easy. I base-coated all of the torsos and limbs in black; this was for three reasons:
1. Because space is black!
2. They would only needed a light white drybrush to finish them off.
3. It helped to bring out each of the masks.
As for the masks themselves, I obviously painted the colours they represent: sun yellow, moon white, star blue, and the meteor burning through the atmosphere!

These were really fun to create, and maybe they will allow others to join their warband one day! Perhaps welcoming some planet, galaxy, or even nebula, dudes?

Have you missed these other projects?:
SPRUE DUDES no33: Sprue2-D2 – Use The Sprue
Old Hammer – Imperial Guard Sentinel Dudified! – Use The Sprue