I thought I’d give my copy of Catan board game a bit of an upgrade. As the game is all about settling on an island in Viking times, I thought the robber would benefit from a change. As a character, he’s not much liked, so how could I make him even more dreaded? Making him a Viking warrior with a big axe would work, but I’m going to push it a little further and turn him into a ZOMBIE!

So I grabbed a sprue of Viking Hirdmen from Warlord Games and went about butchering all the body parts to make them look a little more battle-worn.

I chopped off bits, drilled into his heart, removed one of his hands, and to finish off, I dabbed a few strategic blobs of sprue goo. Just enough to give the model a more disgusting look!
Then, I painted him up in the standard Viking livery, but with an added focus on the horrible parts. To finish, I added a few drops of varnish to make the gory bits shine in the sun!

Now when I play Catan, the “Robber” is definitely feared more than ever!
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