Use the Sprue

Going through the box where I keep my sprues, I found this frame of 25mm square bases that I completely forgot about. So it was time to do something with it!

Market Stall

I started by gluing four bases together to make a larger footprint of 50mm x 50mm. Next, I carved four posts in two different heights. Then I fitted some cross beams and made the roof, again gluing four bases together, this time overlapping them a little.

I sliced the remaining two bases into halves and attached them to the stall as shelves and a single sign.

Grabbing a few Warlord Games’ Viking Hirdmen sprues, I chopped off the round corners of each. These are fantastic for making large pots. The handle I made by drilling holes into the round bits of the base sprue and chopping them in half. For the small pots/bowls again, I used the round bits and gently shaped their bases into a taper.

After glueing them to the stall, I coated the base with sand and primed it in black.

Brown was definitely the paint scheme for the stall, with a few brighter moments in orange and yellow. And after writing the name of the stall “Pots R Us”, it was done!

Well, I thought it was, but then I changed my mind. Having also found an abundance of unused weaponry, I decided to make a lost property box for them.

A simple but enjoyable build then occurred. I made a large crate out of small lengths of sprue and then glued a copious number of weapons all over it!

After painting it up, the build was done, or was it?

Wooden Construct

Wooden Construct

No, it was not. I then decided the stall needed a shop assistant, so I made another Wooden Construct!

Pots R Us - Use the Sprue

I really enjoyed this one. Starting from a sprue I couldn’t even remember having, to a cool-looking piece of terrain. So simple, but tons of fun!

Missed these posts?

This is where I go through how I made a Wooden Construct: QUICKIES – Frostgrave Medium Constructs – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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