Or How to Make any Game EPIC!

Battletech Monopoly

Being a person who tends to keep things hanging around because “they’ll come in handy one day”, well, it’s finally paid off! Going through all the board game components that I have, I found these buildings from a Junior Monopoly set. These would be great to paint up and add to another game. So I’m going to have some fun with Battletech!

Battletech Monopoly

I painted these up nice and simple, with grey walls and red tile roofs. I’m sure I could spend more time on them and give each one a few extra details, but time is short, and I need to move on!

Battletech Monopoly - Hotels

Ps, how about turning other miniatures games into “Epic” versions. Why not try 40K, or make even make dwarfs look massive?

Battletech - Epic 40K
Battletech - Epic Dwarves

I still have 30 more hotels waiting to be beautified. Maybe I’ll paint one with a mock Tudor motif or even a lovely chocolate box Cotswold cottage, who knows?

Battletech Cottages

(Ps. I did!)

Missed Project 1? Click here: Warhammer Yahtzee (not really!) – Project 1 – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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