I really like the Frostgrave Wooden Constructs, and I have made a couple in the past. This time I fancied making five more dudes to create a little warband.

I start by gluing two pieces of sprue back to back for its body, then I carve it into a rough wooden shape. Next, I use a tiny round offcut for its neck and fashion a small piece of sprue for its head. Again, with these bits of tiny plastic, I combine them to make its lower regions!

Then, with various carved pieces, I make its arms and legs while trying to make its pose less wooden!

I make two simple feet and attach the whole thing to a 25mm base. Finishing it off with little weapons and tiny little fingers.

Frostgrave Wooden Construct Warband

These little dudes will be great to use in “A Song for Blades of Heroes” as a unique warband! Now I’m off to design their character stats!

Frostgrave Wooden Construct Warband

Here are a couple of posts you may have missed that also feature these minis!:

QUICKIES – Frostgrave Medium Constructs – Use The Sprue

Pots R Us – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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