Gaslands - Use the Sprue

Here I have a small pile of leftover debris from past projects, but what should I do with them?

Well, grabbing an old toy car I thought it would look better if it was converted into a cool vehicle for Gaslands. So that’s what’s happened!

Gaslands - Rising from the Sprue

Firstly I made the weapon, a big “ole” cannon, or is it a flame thrower (I’m not sure?). Then I crafted an extra large bumper, including the obligatory spikes of course! I also found a piece of flattish sprue which was perfect for making replacement paneling. After cutting it into a rectangular shape and drilling a few holes in the corners with a knife it looked half decent.

Gaslands Weapons - Rising from the Sprue

I wanted to add some kind of piping around the rear of the car, so I firstly positioned and glued all the bits I made for it on to the vehicle. It was then about carving extra pieces and attaching them to the body. A few extra panels and the car was ready for painting!

After priming the car in black I decided that it was going to remain black as I was feeling a little bit lazy!

So with a few dry brushes of brown, orange and silver paint it’s now complete. Another racer, ready to face mortal combat on the deadly roads in the apocalypse!

Gaslands - Rising from the Sprue

What I really like about these tiny bits of plastic is that they are pretty useless on their own. But with a little bit of imagination and patience you can make any number of wonderful things!

Gaslands - Rising from the Sprue

By Phil

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