We have a new fighter for my animal-themed warband, the mighty Teddy Mouse!

When we start making things, they often don’t turn out the way we thought they would. Like this one, in my mind I was going to create an aggressive, angry fighting bear, but I ended up making a cute little mouse-come-teddy bear!

As with my previous two dudes (see below), I set about making the head. I glued two bits of sprue together, then trimmed it out into a rough oval. Then, I made a couple of round ears, eyes, and a nose and popped them on the head. I made the body in the same way before scratching the surface with a knife to give it a fur-like texture. After I added the limbs and weapons, I primed it in grey and set about painting it.

As always, I kept the painting to a minimum by giving it a base coat, a light wash, and a final drybrush highlight!

SPRUE DUDE no20: Teddy Mouse Dude

I don’t think this dude will bring too much fear to the battlefield, but as we all know, looks can be deceptive!

Missed the first two animal dudes? Click below:

SPRUE DUDE no18: Werewolf Dude – Use The Sprue

SPRUE DUDE no19: Cat Dude – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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