“It’s come to clean up!”

I made this mini by complete accident! The initial idea was to make some cool scatter terrain, which would have included a number of barrels. But old habits die hard, and after starting to make one, I couldn’t help myself and stuck two eyes, two eyebrows, and a nose on it. Thus ending up with a “Bin Dude!”

I started by simply gluing eleven small lengths of sprue together to form a cylinder. Then, after adding the facial features, I chopped up an old base to make the bottom and lid of the bin.

To add some texture to the model, I scratched lines all over it before adding all of its limbs. To finish it off, I gave it a large broom and a small dustpan brush for its choice of weapons!

As with all my paint jobs, this one was quick and easy to do. After priming it in black, I lightly painted the main body with silver before adding a rust effect by dabbing and dry brushing brown, then orange.

SPRUE DUDE no32: Bin Dude

This one was really fun to make, and it has given me so many more ideas! And you never know, it could be the start of a whole army of cleaning products!

Missed these dude? Click below!:

Warband no4: Button Dudes! – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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