Gripping Beast Dark Age Archers

Here I have a tiny sprue of Dark Age Archers from Gripping Beast. These three fellows were a breeze to build as they only needed their heads and one hand gluing on!

I started by chopping them free from their chunky bases and regluing them to some standard 25mm ones. I added a couple of offcuts to act as small rocks and gave them a covering of sand.

Dark Age Sprue

The sprue itself being tiny obviously limits it’s usefulness in building big, so I plumped for a small quickly erected wooden palisade instead.

I used the entire frame solely on making the wooden stakes. I glued them all together and used the offcuts to form little rocks around the base of the structure.

Dark Age Archers & Palisade

When painted up I think it looks alright. It’ll be a nice addition to my growing scatter terrain bits and bobs!

Dark Age Archers & Palisade

Like this one? Why not click on the link below where I used a sprue of Oathmark Dwarf minis and made many cool things out of it! Oathmark Dwarfs Sprue – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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