Warband no4: Button Dudes!

This is a really simple one this time! I grabbed some old buttons (that we all seem to have lying around) along with a few pieces of sprue and started to glue them all together. After the limbs were on, I made a couple of eyes and equipped the mini with a sword and a shield, made from a smaller button.

After a quick lick of blue paint and a light drybrush, this dangerous little mini was complete!

The problem was, however, that as I stared at the other unused buttons on the table, I just couldn’t stop the urge to make more, so I did! Now I have a fearsome little “Button Dude” warband!

Also, it didn’t stop there; I just kept on making them! And as it turns out, this is the first of many projects featuring these little fellows!

Warband no4: Button Dudes!

Click below to see some of the other mighty warbands?

WARBAND no1 – Chess Dudes – Use The Sprue

WARBAND no2 – Signage Dudes – Use The Sprue

Warband no3: Flower Power Dudes! – Use The Sprue

By Phil

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